(ONLINE) – Back Pain No More Rehab Class
Zoom - MyFLEX Studio Class
Every other Tuesday at 9:30 am


MyFLEX Studio Online Class:

This 30 min conditioning class will work on the muscles needed to support your back and reduce pain! This class will focus on strengthening deep core muscles, periscapular muscles, hip extensors, flexors and rotators as well as stretching these same muscle groups. If you tend to get back pain or simply want to reduce a chance of future back pain this class is for you!

Supplies needed: You will need a roller, yoga blocks, a peanut or ball, and a medium strength mini-band loop.

Price: $5

Class is taught every other Tuesday at 9:30pm EDT.  (This class alternates weekly with the KneeHAB Class)

The class will be recorded and sent out to all who sign up at the end of the class.  The recording is available for 7 days.

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